We are a non-political umbrella group bringing together local community organisations, businesses and residents, in the North Lambeth area between Lambeth Road, Kennington Park Road, Camberwell New Road, Harleyford Road and the river Thames. In the coming year we have as our key objective completing community consultations on a draft Neighbourhood Plan and working towards its adoption by a local referendum.
Contact us

Who can join?
Anyone who lives works or studies within the KOV area can become a member of KOV.
What is the cost?
It is totally FREE!
How do I join?
Use the contact form below, or just come along to one of our meetings.
Who runs the KOV Forum?
KOV has an elected "Executive Committee" also known as the KOV Board.
Up to 20 members can be elected to the KOV Board at the annual general meeting (AGM), which is usually held around late October - on Monday 22nd October in 2018.
How could I get elected?
You can self-nominate or nominate someone else using the form below. If nominations are made by end of 12 October 2018 (with proposers and seconders) they can be formally included at the AGM election.
The committee itself can appoint additional KOV members to the Board at any-time.
How much work is involved?
As much or as little as you can spare or feel you can contribute to. Everyone has their different skillsets, time constraints and/or community networks that have important views and issues to represent. You only commit to what you can manage.
Formally we have a regular short steering sub-committee meetings and around four evening public events annually. There are also several opportunities for training and networking with other Lambeth Forum colleagues.
Most things get done very informally though. For example, two or three of us putting together a newsletter over a coffee or collaborating on a funding bid by email.
Check out our newsletter archive and the rest of the website for some examples of work that has been done.

Latest News & Updates
Previous Letters (2014-2015)
KOV Forum letter to TfL regarding CS5 (14.12.2014)
KOV Forum letter to TfL regarding Vauxhall Cross (14.12.2014)
Letter from TfL to KOV Forum regarding CS5 (12.02.2015)